Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Be Safe. Be Seen. Be Stylish.

Want to stay safe and look great? Below are some fashion forward options that will keep you visible during those dangerous dark winter months.

IllumNite makes retroreflective clothing that uses a special ink that allows for coverage that is hidden during the day, but revealed at night in the headlights for maximum safety. 

Tracer360 is an illuminated and reflective vest that includes multicolored LED fiber optics. 


Revolights bike lights casts 360 degrees of illumination, making it much easier for others to see the bike rider.


The New Balance Beacon Vazee Rush Beacon shoes stays visible with bright color accents and 360 degrees of reflectivity.


No matter what gear you use the hottest trend is staying safe! So grab a flashlight, reflective vest, arm band, zipper pull, or brightly colored jacket before you leave the house and stay safe this winter.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

The (Safely) Walking Dead

The Montgomery County Pedestrian Initiative Team had a very frightening time at the Silver Spring Zombie Walk on October 24. The team passed out yellow glow sticks which kept the living and the undead safe and seen!  

There were many impressive costumes and lots of gory zombie makeup but what scared the team the most were the adults and children wearing all black costumes! Wearing all black is very dangerous because cars will have extreme difficulty seeing you at night. Halloween is no excuse. Always wear something bright and reflective when walking outside. 

Halloween Safety Tips:
·      Pick a costume with bright colors or reflective materials
·      Use a flashlight
·      Use a reflective trick or treat bag

How will you stay visible this Halloween?

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Fall Fun at the Bethesda Farmer's Market

The Montgomery County Pedestrian Safety Initiative team had a great time at the Bethesda Central Farmer's Market promoting visibility, awareness, and safety. 

Addressing pedestrian safety is of the utmost importance as we approach daylight savings time. If you're walking, remember that you may be hard to see. Even if you can see an approaching driver, don’t assume the driver can see you in time to stop. Do what you can to make yourself visible such as wear bright-colored clothing and establish eye contact with drivers - see them see you!

How do you "stay seen" during the winter months?

Monday, October 5, 2015

Keeping Silver Spring Visible and Safe

Did you know this is the most dangerous time of year for pedestrians? As it gets darker and darker in the evenings it is more important than ever for drivers to watch out for pedestrians and for pedestrians to make themselves visible. Pedestrians can do this by wearing bright or reflective clothing, walking in well-lit areas, and carrying a flashlight.

On October 5th, the Montgomery County Pedestrian Safety Initiative team went to Silver Spring and spoke to pedestrians during the morning rush hour about this important issue.
To keep pedestrians visible the team distributed reflective bags and zipper pulls. 

Tell us in the comments below how you'll be staying visible this fall!